BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — A donation to FeedMore WNY is a gift to families in need. During WKBW’s Give 7 Campaign, we spent the day watching how a monetary donation turns into a meal for those who need it most.
When you donate money through the Give 7 Campaign, those funds reach the doors of people in need like Tom Blake and James Moore. The money funds the program that creates the food through dozens of hardworking employees and volunteers delivering meals directly to their doors.

“This makes it so I do have something to eat,” 81-year-old FeedMore WNY client Tom Blake said. “I appreciate what they do, especially the volunteers.”

“These meals mean a lot to me because I can’t get around, I have to eat something,” 81-year-old FeedMore WNY client James Moore said. “The volunteers are the best."

“When you donate funds, we are able to use them to support all of our critical programs and services,” FeedMore WNY Public Relations Manager Catherine Shick said. “We can make up to 6,000 meals each day in our commissary… Our meals serve about 3,000 clients on any given day.”

“Every single person I have a connection with,” FeedMore WNY volunteer Rosemarie Montante said. “After the first two or three times that you have visited somebody in their home, you just start bonding with these people.”
Learn how you can help right here.