BUFFALO (WKBW) — It was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime. An Italian adventure for 7 News Sports Director Matt Bove and several members of his family. Those plans were quickly cut short.
"My thirteen day trip to Italy, turned into a three day trip to Italy, and a ten day quarantine," Bove told 7 News Anchor Jeff Russo.

Early in the trip Covid ripped through half of Matt's travel group. A positive test required him to quarantine in Florence in a one-hundred square foot hotel room, with limited wi-fi, and his mother.
"Bonding is a word you can use", Matt said with a smile with his mother heard laughing behind him. "I don't know if it's the best word." Matt's mother Teresa playfully yelled in the background "I don't like it any more than you do."
"I'm ready to lose it," Matt added.
In an attempt to salvage things Matt's wife, and the rest of the group, continued on to Venice, while he stayed behind with his mother to recover. The two needed to finish out Italy's required quarantine and then fly right back to Buffalo. The only saving grace in all of this. Travel insurance.
"It seems like it's going to be worth it", said Matt. "We expect to get a portion back."
Renee Pilley, a Senior Travel Consultant at the AAA of WNY says travel insurance has become much more common since the start of the pandemic.
"I would say ninety percent of the people that sit down with us are most interested in getting prices and quotes for insurance for their trip right from the start," said Pilley.
According to the US Travel Insurance Association the cost of travel insurance is based on three factors.
- Where you are going.
- Duration of the trip
- Age of the the policy holder
According to Business Insider and the Insurance Agency "Square Mouth", the average travel policy costs $248 or roughly ten percent of the total cost of your trip.
"It's medical based insurance. It will cover medial injury, illness and death", said Pilley. "Can cover travel delay, trip interruption, baggage delay, and emergency medical and dental."
Many travel insurance policies now also cover Covid-19 related issues including medical expenses and accommodations if you get sick while on your trip.
It's a safety net for the unexpected, and one our friend Matt, despite his disappointment of a lost trip, is happy to have.
"I feel like this could happen to anyone. It happened on our tour. There was a tour group the week before us that apparently had something similar happen." "If you are going to make the trip feels like the travel insurance is definitely worth it"