ORCHARD PARK, (N.Y.) — Elite Marching Bands from around the country putting up their best against one another. It’s all a part of the Drums along the Waterfront. A traveling show hosted by the Drum Corps International.
Nearly a dozen bands played at New Era Field, Sunday.
“It's marching band and Broadway, but just put it a lot faster. Every beat is choreographed. There's music. There’s motion. There's dance. There's all sorts of things going on. This exciting stuff. Tosses, flips, drums all that stuff. It makes it very, very exciting. You can explain it, but you really need to be here to see what it really is,” said Matt Tichy. He is from Lancaster and is the director of production for the show.
Of the hundreds of people ages 15-22, only one is from Western New York. Joey Zizzi is from Orchard Park. He's in the color guard for the Blue Stars. They're headquartered in Lacrosse Wisconsin.
This is the 22nd year Drums along the Waterfront has hosted the Drum Corps International Tour of Champions. This is one of the last big events before the DCI Championship. That happens this Saturday in Indianapolis.