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Ever want to have a picnic without the hassle? This new business can help

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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — After a year indoors due to the pandemic, Natalie Oyoyo wants people to start enjoying the outdoors once again.

"People don't really get the chance to come outside and just enjoy the moment," Oyoyo said.

That feeling led inspired her to start Oyoyo's Picture Perfect Picnics, which she says brings elegant picnics to wherever you are. It's an idea that came from tragedy.

"A few months ago, I lost my sister," Oyoyo said, "and she took pictures, she took pictures all the time."

It's why Oyoyo started the business, to keep a little piece of Yvonne with the community. It's an idea that Oyoyo says her sister would have loved.

"When we were younger, we used to always go to picnics and it was always so relaxing," Oyoyo said.

The picnic packages range from $199 to $499. Date night, game night, and more themes are offered. Food is provided by local vendors and farmers, with everything included included clean-up.

"We wanted to make sure that, not only are you enjoying our picnic, but you're enjoying our local vendors," Oyoyo said.

The business has only been around since the Spring of this year, but Oyoyo says it's already bringing her happiness as she sees how much people are enjoying it.

"It's worth everything to me just seeing people smile and making people happy."

For more information on the Picture Perfect Picnics, visit the Facebook page here, or call Oyoyo at (716) 553-9908. Oyoyo can also be reached at