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Grand Island School District warns of threats against female students to show nude photos


GRAND ISLAND, N.Y. (WKBW) — The Grand Island School District is warning of social media messages asking and threatening female students to share nude photos of themselves.

In a letter sent to parents, superintendent of schools Dr. Brian Graham said the district is working with law enforcement to identify the person or persons behind the threats.

"It is my understanding that this person is contacting our students using TikTok and then directing them to SnapChat or Instagram. The person is using threatening language if the child does not comply," Graham said in the letter.

The district is encouraging parents to remind their children to never accept a friend request from a stranger, consider making social media accounts private, and communicate with an adult immediately if you experience harassment.

Any one with information that could be helpful to the investigation is asked to contact police, the middle or high school principals. or Graham directly at