BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — You know the drill by now — you order the latte, insert your card and then the screen prompts those three blue boxes asking you to tip.
"I feel obligated every time, I feel the need to press at least 15--20 whatever the percentage is," said CJ Evert, who went for a coffee on Elmwood Avenue.
But what if the service wasn't good? What if you just got a cup of black coffee and the person behind the register didn't even do anything? Many are now questioning, has tipping gone too far?
"Personally I think so. Is it right to tip, obviously for the most part yes, but if they're gonna turn the screen on you it's kind of excessive I think," said Evert.

Since the pandemic, more people have been tipping, 16% more according to Square, the company behind many of these new payment systems.
So when do you tip and when don't you?
We asked Beverly Thomas, a local etiquette expert what to do in each situation that might come up.
At a bar/restaurant: Many of these workers don't get paid minimum wage, so tips are crucial. She recommends 20% for good service.
At a coffee shop: These workers usually make minimum wage or more, so it's up to you whether you want to leave a tip.
Ordering delivery: 15-20% for the person who comes to your door.
Ordering takeout: Don't feel obligated.
If the service is bad: Still tip, never don't tip a server, according to Thomas.
At a business where the cashier didn't really do anything: It's up to you, don't feel intimidated to say no.
A service where someone comes to your home or you're paying out a large amount: This is where Beverly draws the line, no tip. You wouldn't tip a teacher, doctor, someone doing your taxes, etc.

Tips go a long way
Many workers rely on these tips to pay the bills.
"Tips have always been an important part of my pay, it's something I budget for," said Clara Joy, who's been working in coffee for 10 years.
She says she's doing more than just pouring your coffee. They're making the syrups themselves, hand-making sandwiches and making sure your coffee is top notch.
"The tips on average, at least on credit cards, will add between $5/hr and $8/hr on average to their pay, so it definitely makes a difference," said Peter Herman, Co-owner of Tipico Coffee.