BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — The family of a Lancaster teen killed in a crash in 2022 is reacting to a decision by a judge Thursday to dismiss the indictment on criminally negligent homicide charges against the driver.
Acting Erie County Court Judge Carrie Phillips granted the defense motion to end the case against Ryan Stencel. He was behind the wheel of the car that crashed on Warner Road in March 2022. Passengers Makenzie Mycek and Molly Kaminski, both 19, were killed.
At the time, prosecutors said Stencel acted "with substantial and unjustifiable risk, which resulted in the deaths of his two passengers."

After the judge's ruling Thursday, Kris and Toni Kaminski — Molly's parents — released the following statement:
“All the technicalities and lawyers in the world don’t change the fact that Ryan Stencel was responsible for the deaths of Molly and Makenzie and showed no concern for their lives as they burned to death in front of him. He was up on his feet and talking; he never once said their names, never mentioned he had passengers in the car at all.
He knew then what he did and he knows now what he did. He needs to live with that shame regardless of today’s outcome, as do those who worked to help him avoid any kind of accountability.
We appreciate the continued fight for justice for Molly and Kenzie from the Erie County D.A.’s office. Please honor Molly and Kenzie’s memories by stressing to young drivers to value the lives of their passengers and the importance of not driving recklessly.”
Acting Erie County District Attorney Michael Keane said he disagreed with Judge Phillips' decision and his office will be appealing the decision with the Fourth Judicial Appellate Division.