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Hull House in Lancaster serving up Ghostly Tours

Tours led by ghost investigator Joe Pieri
Posted 8:51 PM, Oct 01, 2020
and last updated 12:58 PM, Oct 02, 2020

LANCASTER, NY (WKBW-TV) — If you are looking for a place to go ghost hunting, The Hull Family Home in Lancaster may be the perfect spot.

The structure dates back to 1810 and as docent Bernadette Dupre points out "Has somebody died in this house? Lots of people have died in this house in two-hundred years." adding "Even if you don't believe in ghosts, the house has a presence".

Amy Hejmanowski, also a docent, says that visitors are always interested in any ghost stories, saying "One of the biggest questions here is 'Does anything happen here? Is there any paranormal activity in the house?"

Investigator Joe Pieri will head up a number of ghost tours later this month. You can get more information about the tours and tickets at the Hull House website.

Hull Family Home & Farmstead 5976 Genesee St, Lancaster, NY 14086