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'I'm actually living my dream right now': Army recruiters share their journey hoping to inspire others


TOWN OF TONAWANDA, N.Y. (WKBW) — Recruiters are sharing their stories in hopes of inspiring more people to join the Army.

They said hasn't been easy to recruit lately and according to the Department of Defense, only the Air Force and Marine Corps met their recruiting goals for the 2024 fiscal year.

The Navy and the Army were short more than two thousand recruits each.

I spoke to two Sergeants working at the recruitment office in the Town of Tonawanda about joining the service and why they chose to serve.

Staff Sergeant Francisco Cordero said he knew when he was only 6 years old that he wanted to join the armed forces.

"My father took me to Washington D.C. and I went to go see the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and from that moment on I was hooked. I'm actually living my dream right now," said Cordero.

While he loves serving our country he said it hasn't always been easy.

"It was scary in the very beginning," said Cordero. "Stepping out of your shell can be scary to anybody but having the faith, and taking that leap of faith into the unknown it opens up so many possibilities."

Sergeant First Class Nakia Simpson said she realized 17 years ago she wanted to make a change and join the Army.

"After I did college I actually started partying, going downhill, going the wrong way," said Simpson. "I saw someone I graduated from high school with and she came in with her recruiter and I got his card and I went to his office."

She explained that she knew she didn't want to start going down the same path as some of her family members and now her career has been a blessing.

"I've completed my bachelor's. Currently working on my master's. I bought a home, bought multiple cars. Now I have a daughter. She's having a better life. She's traveled more than I have," Simpson told me.

She had the following advice for those considering a big change like joining the armed forces, "Choose you. Do what's best for you. Don't let anybody hold you back from what you really want to do in life."

Cordero agreed, saying, "I want people to know that I'm here that I'm back home in Buffalo NY and I'm here for them. I want to help uplift the youth and let them know they're worth something."

He hopes those who visit him at the Army recruiting office in the Town of Tonawanda will be inspired the same way he was after visiting the Tomb of the Unkown Soldier.