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'It means the world': Handmade Valentine's Day cards delivered to Buffalo VA Medical Center


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Some local Veterans got a surprise Thursday at the Buffalo VA Medical Center.

As part of "Operation Valentine," more than 850 handmade Valentine's Day cards were delivered.

A simple "thank you" can go a long way and that was evident Tuesday when Veterans opened up the handmade cards delivered to them by workers from Acacia Park Cemetary.

Vietnam Veteran Dan Barlette read aloud the card he got.

"It says you are loved, Dear Veteran. Happy Valentine's Day. Thank you for your service, Isabella." He smiled and said, "Very kind. Very nice."

Veteran Don Kisker served in the 1970s. He was also at the hospital when the cards were being distributed and read, "Thank you for serving our country and all your hard work. Happy Valentine's." Kisker said serving was a lot of work and it wasn't easy but, "it was worth it."

Veterans and volunteers agreed the time spent writing and delivering the cards was also worth it.

Hannah Dean and Ryan Lindemuth from Acacia Park Cemetary said more than 850 people from schools to senior citizens helped make the cards.

"Just really appreciate all of the love and thought that goes into each letter," said Dean.

"These Veterans have done so much for our freedom that we have today," said Lindemuth.

Veteran Darryl Wine reflected on his time serving our country and said he and his wife both appreciated the card he got Tuesday.

He said serving was bittersweet and explained, "I had to retire early. I didn't want to because of the injuries but that goes with the job."

That's something Veteran Jacob Jamieson learned early on. He was injured in 2018 during training but said "I would go back and do it again... I wish I could have made it all the way through. Just now taking it one day at a time."

Veterans told 7 News they are thankful for these messages of love and appreciation.

"I really appreciate these. Kids drawing Valentine's for everyone that's just the sweetest," said Jamieson.

"It means the world really. It's very nice," said Don.