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"It's like an assembly line!" Parents of Wheatfield quadruplets share a day in the life

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WHEATFIELD, N.Y. (WKBW) — They've got to be one of the busiest families in Western New York right now. Brittany and Justin Scott, from Wheatfield, are parents of three-year-old Savannah as well as three-month-old quadruplets Hazel, Chase, Paisley and Scarlett. A day in the life is - well, busy.

"It's kind of like an assembly line," laughed mom Brittany.

The Scott Squad

That's the truth. Each day the quads go through 40 bottles, which have to be hand-washed, as well as an entire can of formula. With four schedules to remember, their parents track every feeding and diaper change on a giant white board in their kitchen.

"The white board tracks the amount of formula they drink in milliliters. Every night Justin puts those into a spreadsheet," explained Brittany. "Then he graphs them so it shows if they're increasing in the amount they drink."

You might think with four babies to feed - plus their older sister, the Scotts are prepping a lot of meals every day. And you'd be right.

"You feed them," said Justin. "You might be able to wash some dishes, get some laundry done...then you feed them again."

Scott Quadruplets

The babies are about 14 weeks old right now, so they'll keep increasing the amount they eat. As you can imagine, diaper changes also happen pretty frequently.

"We probably go through about 40-45 every day. If it's a bad day maybe 50," said Justin.

Even though they're still young, their parents say the quads are already developing their own personalities.

"They're all completely different," laughed Justin. "Scarlett is angry when she's hungry."

"Paisley right here who is squirming - she's very curious, and probably the loudest crier," said Brittany.

"Hazel is sleeping," said Justin. "Which is typical - she sleeps a lot. Chase - my boy over here - he's awake but he doesn't make too much noise."

"We joke all the time he looks worried," said Brittany. "And we say well - he's got four sisters. Of course he's going to be worried!"

Savannah is a doting big sister, and the Scotts say although they know life will be hectic, they can't wait to see what the babies will be like as they get older.

Scott Squad

"We talk all the time about how much fun we think they'll be as they get older and we see their personalities start to come through. We think the dinner table will always be entertaining, " said Brittany. "It's definitely going to be quite an adventure."

The Scotts spend almost $200 per week on *just* diapers and formula. That's why their family set up a Go Fund Me for them - if you'd like to check it out or make a donation, you can see the Go Fund Me page here.