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'It's saving lives': Doctors and cancer survivors urge Hochul to pass biomarker testing legislation


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — A group of cancer survivors and doctors from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center are calling on New York Governor Kathy Hochul to sign what they call a life-saving bill to improve access to biomarker testing.

The group gathered on the steps of Buffalo City Hall Wednesday to rally. 7 News spoke with a doctor and patient about why they say this is so important.

Joe Cantafio said he found out he had a very rare, aggressive form of cancer over a year ago. He thought he had a really bad sinus infection but doctors found out it was a rare cancer called mucosal melanoma. The first doctor he was referred to told him there was nothing they could do.

"Luckily the second opinion... the doctor looked at me and know if that was five years ago that would be the case but today with the technologies we have, including biomarker testing, we have a chance to try to fight this," Cantafio recalled.

Dr. Carl Morrison from Roswell Park said biomarker testing needs to be available to all patients, regardless of their insurance. He said it helps them decide the best treatment plan.

"The big impact has been in cancer but it's also starting to spread to other areas of medicine other than just cancer. It's been really what we call the era of precision medicine, right? We have found out that certain key aspects in each individual can drive their disease," Morrison explained.

He said if they can identify those key elements, they can get the right drugs and treatments.

"And patients have less toxic effect and a better outcome. It's saving lives. Not only is it saving lives it is making the quality of life better that is an important thing," said Morrison.

Important for patients like Cantafio, who promised his sons he wouldn't give up in his fight against cancer. He and his family are now thankful to say he's a survivor.

"We should all have this opportunity and when we hear the word cancer you think it's the end of your story but because of biomarker testing and an incredible doctor and his's only a chapter. And to hear that Governor Hochul still hasn't signed this bill I don't think that it's right that I had this opportunity because my insurance covered it when others don't," said Cantafio.

He is sharing his story because he wants everyone to know how important biomarker testing is in the fight against diseases like cancer. He hopes Gov. Hochul passes the biomarker testing bill.

As for the Governor, a spokesperson tells 7 News she's "reviewing the legislation." Meanwhile, talk to your doctor if you have any questions about biomarker testing.