ELLICOTTVILLE, N.Y. (WKBW) — Bradley Poole of Salamanca is prepping for the run of a lifetime.
Beginning July 5th, he will run 266 miles throughout picturesque Cattaraugus County. He'll do all of this in one week. That breaks down to 42 miles a day and one light day, a mere 14 miles.
“I'm shooting for 10-12 minute miles,” said Poole.
Why 266 miles? It was a suggestion from his sister.
“Why don't you run through every town in Catt. County?” she asked.
Poole agreed.
While Poole is running, he's going to have a lot more to deal with than just long miles and the rolling hills of ski country.
“I do three different airway clearing systems a day. I wear this thing called ‘the vest,’” described Poole.
That’s what Poole does daily to live with his Cystic Fibrosis.
“I take 50 plus pills daily and I'm exercising six days a week,” said Poole.
CF is a genetic disease that effects the lungs and digestive system. People diagnosed with it, have a life expectancy of 40. Poole is 32.
“I don't want to die young.”
Poole is running to raise money for a cure for CF. He's shooting for $100,000. He’s also running to show people dealing with CF, anything is possible.