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Neighbors want speeding to stop, city of Buffalo says measures will be put into place this fall

51 neighborhoods applied to Slow Streets Program
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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Neighbors around the city of Buffalo have had enough.

“This is a family neighborhood across the board, and we really want cars to slow down,” Block Club Leader Doris Corley said.

Corley has been living in her neighborhood for more than thirty years. Two years ago, the city of Buffalo introduced the Slow Streets Program. Since then, 51 neighborhood zones have applied.

“Those of us who submitted an application, we’ve been waiting and waiting, and amidst that we see the speeding constantly. Constantly,” Corley said.

In the initial application, 24 signatures were required, Corley said her survey had more than 60. On Friday, people living in those 51 neighborhoods received surveys, asking them whether they want speed humps.

“They want speed humps? Let’s give them speed humps. Let’s stop giving the paralysis of analysis to make something they’ve already said they wanted,” University District Common Councilman Rasheed Wyatt said.

The city said those surveys are due back Friday so they can make quick decisions and start installing safety measures.

“To have something we put forth to be addressed, that would be excellent for us, that would be an uplift for this neighborhood,” Corley said.

Commissioner of Buffalo’s Department of Public Works, Michael Finn, said the city wants to be sure groups of streets get speed remedies at the same time.

“So, you wouldn’t have that displacement effect where you’re playing whack a mole, chasing speeding,” Finn said.

Finn said the city has 3.5 million dollars to tackle this issue and he said the city is committed to creating safer streets.

“Take them back to the days when people felt a little safer about their kids playing in the front yards,” Finn said.