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'Never know how you can impact them': Bills rookie Keon Coleman meets boy who sent him friendship bracelets

Posted 1:38 PM, Jul 31, 2024
and last updated 4:33 PM, Jul 31, 2024

PITTSFORD, N.Y. (WKBW) — A heart-warming moment took place at Buffalo Bills training camp on Tuesday.

After practice, Bills rookie wide receiver Keon Coleman came off the field to meet 10-year-old Logan Bittner for the first time. Bittner is the boy who went viral for sending the rookie friendship bracelets that he made.

I first met Bittner at training camp last year when he was handing out the bracelets to each player who walked by. Months later when the Bills drafted Coleman, Bittner wanted to make sure the wide receiver had jewelry like everyone else on the team. Bittner sent Coleman two bracelets and a letter.

Friendship bracelet for Keon Coleman
Friendship bracelet for Keon Coleman

Coleman not only received Logan's letter but wore his bracelets in photos taken at the NFL Rookie Premiere in Los Angeles. "I never expected this to even come to Keon," said Logan to 7 News' Jeff Russo in May. Coleman embraced the Bills Mafia spirit before even playing a snap in Buffalo.

Watch below as we caught up with Bittner after he went viral.

'Never expected this': Friendship bracelets made by young Buffalo Bills fan worn by WR Keon Coleman

On Tuesday the Bills arranged for Coleman to meet Bittner after practice and this time Coleman was the one handing out gifts. He presented Bittner with a Bills gift basket and surprised him with tickets to the Bills home opener against the Arizona Cardinals. Fans nearby applauded at the gesture.

Keon Coleman gives Logan Bittner a gift basket
Keon Coleman gives Logan Bittner a gift basket, and surprised him with tickets to the Bills home opener

"You never know how you can impact them with just a smile, and a nice gesture," said Coleman.

I asked the new member of the Bills why he decided to wear the bracelets in the first place.

"Was just a nice gesture," explained Coleman. "I knew I wasn't that talented to make this at that young of an age, so I thought it was pretty cool and wore it."

For Bittner, it's a day he will never forget and of course, he gave more bracelets to Coleman for his family members.

Bittner teamed up with 26 Shirts to sell his bracelets. Proceeds go to Oishei Children's Hospital. He has raised more than $5,000 for Oieshei, you can purchase a bracelet here.