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New library exhibit of children's books brings back old memories

It's called "B IS FOR BOOK"
and last updated

BUFFALO, NY (WKBW-TV) — For some it will be a stroll down memory lane. The new exhibit at the Downtown Central Library is called "B is For Book" and it showcases childrens's reading material through the ages.

Library director Mary Jean Jakubowski says that she hopes families will come and check out this colorful and amazing exhibit, adding "It's special because people don't usually think of children's books from a rare and unique perspective."

The collection includes old favorites like the "Dick and Jane" series, "Curious George" and "The Brothers Grimm." There are a number of mechanical books also known as pop-ups.

There is a whole section devoted to "Good-night Moon" and the many tributes and parodies of that book. There is even a recreation of the "Good-Night Moon" room.

The exhibit runs for two years and was built almost entirely in house. What makes Mary Jean most proud is that "the collection was put together by members of our rare book room."

The exhibit ties in well with our "If You Give A Child A Book" campaign. You can get more information about that at our website. And check out what's new at the Buffalo and Erie County Library by checking out their website.