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Niagara Falls firemen deliver baby in tight situation

Baby's quick birth catches firefighters by surprise
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NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (WKBW) — Ambulance crews normally handle medical calls in the City of Niagara Falls - including the birth of babies.

Those crews were tied up in the early morning hours of May 21st, so firefighters from the 10th Street Fire Station were sent to a call on 18th Street for a woman, 27, in labour.

"We thought we had time to get her to the hospital," said Niagara Falls Fire Captain Gordon Stewart.

Things changed in a blink of an eye for Stewart and fellow-firefighters Tom Tedesco and Mike Naccarato.

"As I was speaking with them, she screams out in labour pains and starts crowning," explained Capt. Stewart.

The birth was further complicated because the mother was in a "broom closet-sized" bathroom which only allowed Tom Tedesco to be fully inside as the other two tried to work around him.

"One guy was under my arm. The other guy was under my leg," said Tedesco, who felt training and teamwork really paid off.

The baby boy was delivered without any problems.

"That first little cry is when you know everything is clear. That is a very, very good feeling," added Tedesco.

Mother and baby were taken to Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center in good condition.

The mother told 7 Eyewitness News Reporter Ed Reilly that she wanted to remain unidentified but was "very appreciative" of the firefighter's help.

Fire crews are trained to handle the birth of a baby but those skills are rarely used in day-to-day situations.

For both Captain Stewart and Firefighter Tedesco, it was the first time in their years on the job (31 years for Captain Stewart).

Firefighter Mike Naccarato previously helped deliver a child 15-years ago.

"They told us in training that probably the only thing that we would not do on this job is deliver a baby," laughed Naccarato, who now has two deliveries to his credit.

Hear more from the 'humble heroes' in the attached clip.