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Niagara Falls food truck workers trying to beat the heat


NIAGARA FALLS (N.Y.) — Temperatures and grills were sizzling today, creating a heated situation for food truck workers.

The Aquarium of Niagara is introducing their "Concert on the Commons" series, including food trucks for guests to enjoy.

However, today's heat took its toll on the workers running these trucks.

"It's really, really hot — especially cooking plantains and stuff like that on-the-go, cabbage on-the-go," Dennis Crittenden, "Caribbean Flava" food truck employee, said.

Despite having fans and air conditioning, the heat was unstoppable.

"We got a fan going, a little air conditioning, but with it being so congested [in the truck], moving around, dealing with the heat up and down, it's still pretty hot," Crittenden said.

Other food truck workers agreed.

"I think it would be hot no matter what," Paul Raymond, co-owner of "Roadside Diner, said. "Even with the air conditioner on, it blows ... but it comes in just one spot, so you have to stand underneath it."

Unfortunately, there is not much that these workers could do in order to be comfortable working outside.

"Extra water, ice, always got a towel, just try to stay as cool as possible," Crittenden said.

Despite the circumstances, they were able to push through and get the job done.

"We know what we're doing — just dealing with it," Raymond said.