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AG investigation finds that excessive force was used by officer in Niagara Falls arrest


NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (WKBW) — The New York Attorney General's Law Enforcement Misconduct Investigative Office released an 11-page report Friday that examines a use of force incident involving two officers from the Niagara Falls Police Department.

Images taken from a ring camera on May 11, 2022 show officers Travis Maggard and Anisa Mahmood arresting a 47-year-old woman.

According to the report, the woman saw the officers outside her home. She approached and criticized them for failing to respond to calls she made to the department. She then turned around and walked back to her home which is when Officer Maggard followed her and asked her to come back.

The report states the woman said, "For what? What are you about to do, take me to jail for speaking my mind?"

The officer replied, "Yeah, you wanna play stupid games?" The report said he then pulled out his handcuffs.

The woman was eventually forced onto her stomach and arrested.

The next day she filed a complaint with the office.

The office determined the following:

  • Officer Maggard used excessive force against the woman
  • Officer Maggard unlawfully arrested the woman
  • The officers failed to complete the use of force reports to document the incident which is required by NFPD

Officer Maggard is still with NFPD. Officer Mahmood is now with the Town of Niagara Police Department.

I just received the report today. This case will now be turned over to our Office of Professional Standards, where a complete and thorough investigation will be done.
John Faso, Niagara Falls Police Superintendent
Today (October 13, 2023) the New York State Attorney General’s Office issued a report regarding the Niagara Falls Police Department. The Niagara Falls Police Club, the Union that represents Officer Maggard and over 100 other law enforcement personnel, fully stands in support of Officer Maggard’s actions regarding the May 11th, 2022 incident in the AG report.

The Niagara Falls Police Club disagrees with the results of the Attorney General’s investigation.

Officer Maggard was responding to a complaint when another individual, who was not involved in the police call, deliberately injected herself into a potentially dangerous situation in order to bother the officers while they were conducting an investigation.

The Niagara Falls Police Club believes that Officer Maggard acted in accordance with the protocols and safety of all involved. Travis Maggard is a dedicated law enforcement officer with eight (8) years of exemplary service who has received multiple commendations. He consistently upholds the highest standards of professionalism.
The Niagara Falls Police Club

The report recommends that appropriate disciplinary action be taken against the officers and the following measures put in place as well:

  • Draft and implement a disorderly conduct policy in consultation with OAG to educate officers on the elements of disorderly conduct and under what circumstances officers are authorized to charge individuals with disorderly conduct;
  • Draft and implement an appearance ticket policy in consultation with OAG to provide guidance to officers regarding the issuance of appearance tickets and when they should be issued at the scene; and
  • Provide additional training to officers on de-escalation, appropriate use of force tactics, the NFPD’s Use of Force Policy, and the law regarding disorderly conduct and appearance tickets.

You can read the full report here.