NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (WKBW) — Say goodbye to elementary school and hello to middle school! La Salle Prepatory School welcomed their new 7th grade class to campus for the first time this week.
I spoke with a few parents, students and La Salle Prep's social worker about the how the transition for the students.

Some students were excited, like new La Salle student Beckett Bilson.
"I feel excited because there's lots of amazing people and opportunities that I can do at this school," Bilson said.
Some excited, but also nervous like new La Salle student Mariano Weiss.
"I'm a little nervous about meeting new friends and having new teachers," Weiss said.
All the feelings are exactly what you would expect when starting something new. Excited; nervous; ready to go; even the parents are feeling the same way.
Mariano's dad, Daniel Weiss said these are probably the typical feelings for all parents.
"Definitely a little nervous for all parents. We've enjoyed the elementary school, having close contact with one teacher all the time," Weiss said. "Now, him being out there and having the opportunity to meet new people, new kids, it's kind of exciting at the same time".
Nicole Bilson, Beckett's mom, said seeing her son in middle school now is exciting but also incredible because of how fast the time went.
"I'm excited for them. Definitely ready to get back into the routine and look forward to all the opportunities they have being in middle school," Bilson said. "Time really does fly like people say. It seems like just the other day they were starting kindergarten and now they're coming into 7th grade".
Middle school means more responsibility, more independence, and more work. Both Nicole and Daniel have been preparing their sons on how to handle the added responsibilities.
Daniel stressed the point of having conversations with Mariano.
"Hopefully as parents you know, we rely on that close relationship of having a conversation with him everyday when he comes home," Weiss said. "Talking to him and making sure that he's comfortable with what he's doing".
Nicole emphasized making sure Beckett utilizes the resources available to him.
"Just make sure that they ask questions if they have them," Bilson said. "Go to the teachers, go to the counselor that they have at the school. If there's an issue, come to us for anything".
When speaking with La Salle Prep Social Worker Laura McGuinness, we talked about how the students are going to be able to build relationships with multiple teachers.
"We do have a number of teachers who also try to utilize restorative practices in their classrooms," McGuinness said. "It's a time where you're not necessarily doing academic work, but you are connecting with students and it can be used in an academic way as well".
La Salle Prep will be on a reduced schedule for their first day of school to allow students that opportunity more time to focus on the transition into the new school.
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