LOCKPORT, N.Y. (WKBW) — A new shelter in Niagara County is taking in Lockport’s stray dogs after the Niagara County SPCA announced it could no longer provide the service.

PAWS Inn The Falls, an animal complex that opened in September, has officially partnered with the city to house and care for lost or abandoned dogs.
"We wanted to be something that's very positive and be useful for the community," Nicole Dyer, the shelter’s director and licensed vet tech, said.

Dyer said Niagara County has limited resources for pet owners and pets in general.
"So when we landed in Niagara County, we did a lot of research as to this is where we wanted to land, where we could benefit and offer so many different services," she said.
For years, the Niagara County SPCA took in Lockport’s strays, but a few years ago, the shelter informed city officials they could no longer continue the service.

"They made it very abundantly clear they are done with the City of Lockport stray dogs," Lockport Alderwoman Maggie Lupo said.
Niagara County SPCA Executive Director Amy Lewis shared the following about this decision to pull back:
We are dedicated to focusing on our mission of preventing cruelty and helping owners who cannot care for their pets.
With the increasing pet population experienced not only right here in WNY, but across the country, we can't responsibly provide stray dog sheltering for all of Niagara County and fulfill our no-kill mission. We're returning stray dog sheltering to the municipalities that are responsible for it, effectively helping more animals in our community.
With no other options, the city issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for dog sheltering services and received just one response from PAWS Inn The Falls. The city then entered into a contract with the shelter for $2,400 per month, totaling $28,800 annually.
However, the city’s 2025 budget had only $24,000 allocated for dog control services, leaving a $4,800 shortfall.
Last week, the Lockport Common Council voted to reallocate the funds, approving the deal and ensuring the shelter could move forward.

As for the dogs already in PAWS Inn The Falls' care, many are waiting for their forever homes.
But one pup, Chewy, who was found in the City of Lockport, will soon be heading to his forever home.
"Chewy is amazing. He is a little spunky guy. He has a trot like a gazelle," Dyer said.