CHEEKTOWAGA, N.Y. (WKBW) — A 19-page temporary restraining order was filed by the Town of Cheektowaga via Keane and Beane, P.C.
The order was granted to the Town Friday afternoon.
This is in connection to a pair of sexual assault cases, involving asylum seekers staying in town.
It states the three hotels where more than 500 asylums seekers are staying, are no longer operating as hotels in the town of Cheektowaga, thus violating the town zoning code.

In the lawsuit, it cites "The local properties are contractually benefiting from the terms of an arrangement with the City of New York to transition the hotels from places of overnight accommodation to long-term sheltering facilities."
According to the lawsuit, on May 5, 2023, the Mayor of New York City announced a program to provide up to four months of housing for asylum seekers in the care of New York City in counties outside of The City.
On June 13, 2023, the Town was notified that NYC was going to start bussing asylum seekers to a hotel in Cheetowaga, according to Cheektowaga Town Supervisor Diane Benczkowski
"We were not consulted at all about this decision, what would be the best place to go and then before we knew it, that was June 13th. From June 13th to August 8th, we found out we had over 500 migrants in our town without any information from us as far as where these asylum seekers could go," Cheektowaga Town Supervisor Diane Benczkowski said.
PREVIOUS STORY: Cheektowaga residents voice concerns about migrants coming to town
7 News reached out to the City of New York mayor's office and have yet to hear back.
"I just think this is a matter of the Town of Cheektowaga taking control of the situation and that the Mayor of New York City had no right to just insert himself instead of just working with us," she added.
Benczkowski said no word on how long the temporary restraining order will last.
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