BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Masks must be mandatory. That’s what the New York State United Teacher’s Union is saying regarding back to school criterial that they say needs to change statewide now.
In the Governor’s orders on New York State school reopening, it says masks are “strongly recommended” and teachers, students and staff should wear them when social distancing is not possible. The Governor’s office says a mask should be with a person in the school at all times.
NYSUT says many districts in the state have a lax plan with masks, and not much enforcement. They say it now needs to be mandated by the Governor that everyone wear a mask—all day long in each of the New York State school districts.
We have seen various plans in Western New York regarding masks. Some districts like Buffalo are providing “mask breaks” for students, primarily outside.
NYSUT says temperature checks and screening is not enough. The teacher’s union says many parents and staff feel safer if students wear masks all day long. NYSUT also says our neighboring state, Pennsylvania has updated its reopening guidelines to mandate masks, and it’s hoping New York does the same.
The Governor’s office tells 7 Eyewitness News it is reviewing this proposal.