BUFFALO, NY (WKBW) — As Tuesday marks the primary day in Western New York, voters in the City of Buffalo are deciding on five Buffalo Common Council seats.
The North District, University, Lovejoy, Masten, and Ellicott.
Two Council members decided not to run for reelection in their districts; long-time Ellicott District Common Council member Darius Pridgen and Masten District lawmaker Uylsees Wingo.

This is expected to create a new dynamic for Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown at City Hall.
“Look forward to working well with new members on the council,” replied Mayor Brown.
Mayor Brown responded to reporters Tuesday asking what he thinks as some new common council members will be nominated to run in the general election.

“I think one of the exciting prospects is there will, for the first time in a long time there will be a woman on the city council, perhaps several women on the city council. I think that is a very good thing that a woman or women will be represented that those voices will be heard in city government,” Mayor Brown noted.
There hasn't been a female common council member since 2014.
But now two powerful women are running for the Masten District. vying for the Democratic vote, India Walton beat Brown in the 2021 Democratic primary. but then lost to Brown in the general election.

Zeneta Everhart is running against Walton. She is known as a driving voice for change since the Tops mass shooting last year that injured her son.
Brown told reporters he has supported Everhart's campaign, but if Walton wins, he would work with her.
“Anyone who is elected to the city council -- it's important for us to work together that's what the voters and residents of our community expect. They don't expect rancor and fighting and discord,” responded Mayor Brown.

In the Ellicott District, four democrats are in a primary race: Emin Egriu, Matt Dearing, Cedric Holloway, and Leah Halton-Pope.
Tree incumbents are also facing challenges, Bryan Bollman in the Lovejoy District is facing off against Mohammed Uddin in the Democratic primary.
In the North and University districts where democratic incumbents Joseph Golombek and Rasheed Wyatt are fighting for their political futures. Golombek facing Eve Shippens and Wyatt running against Kathryn Franco.