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Reddy Bikeshare expanding reach into state parks in Niagara Falls as it kicks off its 8th season

REDDY BIKES 2022.jpg

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Reddy Bikeshare announced it will expand its reach into state parks in Niagara Falls as it kicks off its eighth season.

Throughout the spring, Reddy will add seven new stations at Whirlpool, Devil’s Hole, DeVeaux Woods, and Niagara Falls state parks. They can be found at:

  • Niagara Falls State Park
    • Goat Island: Near the Cave of the Winds visitors center
    • Cataract House Park: Corner of Buffalo Ave. and Old Main St. Available now.
    • Riverway: Parking area near the 1st St. Bridge to Goat Island
    • Niagara Gorge Discovery Center: Adjacent to park information and restrooms. Available now.
  • Whirlpool State Park: Gorge-level parking area near park pavilion. Available now.
  • DeVeaux Woods State Park: Along park loop road across from baseball diamond. Available now.
  • Devil’s Hole State Park: Gorge-level parking area accessible from the Niagara Scenic Pkwy. Available now

According to Reddy, this will grow its footprint to 113 total stations between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. In 2022, Reddy Bikeshare members logged 47,254 trips, which was an all-time record and a 21% increase from 2021.

“Seven years ago, the Reddy Bikeshare program was a new and novel idea in Western New York to encourage a healthy, leisurely activity and also an environmentally friendly means of transportation. Today, Reddy Bikeshare is an integral part of our community and adding a footprint inside the state park system is going to further enrich the experience of Western New York’s greatest natural asset for both residents and visitors alike. With strong local roots, Independent Health is truly committed to creating a culture of health in Western New York, and programs like Reddy Bikeshare have a direct and measurable impact on improving the health and wellbeing of our community.”
- Kathy Glieco, Vice President, Marketing at Independent Health
“Now with the Niagara Gorge Rim Trail complete, we are looking for more ways to ‘activate the trail’ and make it easier for the community to use. Reddy Bikeshare is helping to make this happens by providing shared use bicycles located at key trail nodes from Niagara Falls north to the Ralph Wilson Trailhead at Devil's Hole, just across the road from Niagara University.”
- Greg Stevens, Director of the Niagara River Greenway Commission

Also new this season, Reddy said it is making improvements to its payment plan options. The two-day pass is changing to a pay-as-you-go pass that doesn’t expire and features the same price of $3 sign-up and $0.10 per minute of biking. The annual pass will also change from $55 to $40. Reddy said annual pass members pay only a penny per minute of bike riding and "the change is meant to encourage more folks to ride throughout the season."