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Roswell Park's 'Tails of Hope' Super Bowl ad puts spotlight on its therapy dog program


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center's "Tails of Hope" 2024 Super Bowl ad spotlights its therapy dog program.

Roswell said the therapy dog program started in 2006 and its "most valuable pups" are considered the “goodest boys and girls” by patients and staff.

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"Inspired by the pups’ steadfast love and willingness to accept belly rubs, Roswell Park’s Emmy-award-winning marketing team wagged its tails at the chance to produce their ninth annual regional Super Bowl ad and highlight just how much joy these fluffy and furry companions bring to all they encounter," a release says.

According to Roswell, the ad starts as if viewers are walking through Roswell Park as a therapy dog then there is a narration of patient visits, families finding comfort and a look into the research labs before Hawk, a golden retriever, makes his on-screen debut.

“Seeing a dog in a hospital and petting or hugging a dog can make such a difference in your day. The moment you’re around an animal, that not only take your minds off things, it puts you in a relaxed state. I’m so thankful our organization recognizes just how beneficial this program is for our patients, their loved ones, and our staff."
- Nicole Gerber, PhD, co-creator of the therapy dog program and Occupational and Environmental Safety Program Manager at Roswell Park

In addition to the commercial, Roswell Park's therapy dogs are also spotlighted in a new calendar available for $10 in its gift shop. Proceeds from the calendar benefit the Roswell Park Alliance Foundation’s Quality of Life grants.