BUFFALO N.Y. (WKBW) — Snow tire season is officially upon the Western New York community. Although with the recent sunny clear days the snow may seem very far off. But a local tire company, Mr. Fox Tire Company, said to not be fooled by the weather and prepare for snowfall now.
Customer James Wangelin said he is going to do just that.

"I came in today to get some new tires," Wangelin said. "I like to try and get new tires right before the winter that way I have the best traction possible going into the winter season."
He said not being prepared can be a scary thing.
"I have seen people wipe out based on not having enough traction on their tries," he said. "So I know that's really important. While you may have four wheel drive, if you don't have good tires it doesn't really matter."
Assistant General Manager Anthony Guthrie said winter may feel a bit delayed but preparation is always positive.
"Its just one of those things you cant get away from. And everyone knows even if we aren't getting the snow right now its still coming," Guthrie said.
He shares that there has been an advantage to the long wait for snowfall.
"The one advantage to the longer summer and warmer weather, is it's giving us an opportunity to prepare even better," he said.

Guthrie said he advises those who are thinking about getting snow tires to do so now and don't wait.
"Theres always that element if you wait too long it may not be available," he said.
Wangelin said above all safety is a top priority of his.
"Safety is really important to me," he said.
Guthrie said don't wait until it's too late, and snow tires are a vital elements to being as safe as possible on the roads when the snow comes.