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Julian Castro and Kevin McCarthy discuss the 'state of our country' at Chautauqua Institution


CHAUTAUQUA, N.Y. (WKBW) — After a tumultuous week in America, two politicians from opposite sides of the aisle shared the stage Friday at the Chautauqua Institution.

Republican Kevin McCarthy, a former Speaker of the House, and Julian Castro, a one-time Democratic candidate for President and former HUD secretary under President Obama.

Both spoke about the need for change.

Castro joined a growing chorus of Democrats, saying President Biden should step aside.

McCarthy spoke about the growing tension in our country, revealing that a member of his own family was a potential target of violence. He called for the nation to tone down the rhetoric.

We had a chance to speak to Castro and McCarthy, you can watch both conversations below.

Castro speaks
McCarthy speaks

Those who attended Friday's event said they appreciated being able to hear opposing sides talk civilly to each other.