EAST AURORA, N.Y. (WKBW) — A group of East Aurorans, dozens strong, marched in unison, denouncing what the East Aurora School District called “several incidents of racial discrimination” within its schools.
Earlier this week, the school sent this letter to all district parents:
Parents tell me those incidents were caused by students at the Middle School.

In response, a group marched around Hamlin Park with many signs in hand. They tell me this demonstration was in hope of encouraging those impacted by that discrimination.
“Racial comments or actions are unacceptable,” organizer Amanda Jetty said. “The kids standing up to this are also being bullied or harassed, doesn’t sit well with us.
“Letting them know there is a whole community out here that loves and cares for them and don’t want to see them having a hard time,” Aurora town councilman Joseph McCann said.

I reached out to Superintendent Brian Russ to learn more about what happened. He didn't return my calls.
The district's letter to parents says "all individuals involved are being held accountable…. including disciplinary actions… and to ensure that those responsible understand the gravity of their actions and the harm caused to their peers and the school community.”

Q: "What’s the message that you are trying get across to the kids who are the culprits of this and are being worked with the school? Do you fear that this [demonstration] might threaten them in a way, this many people coming out against their actions?"
Demonstration organizer, Ejona Liberti: "Absolutely not, this not against any of the kids. We want to support all of them. We want to help them heal. We want to help them learn. There are no culprits, they are trying, they are learning, they are passing information. We want to make sure those kids are cared for and supported, but that they know there are consequences to their actions and their actions hurt people, so we want them to learn, heal and grow from this."
That letter from the school also mentions several different ‘educational initiatives’ will be coming over the next couple of weeks to “begin the healing process.”