TOWN OF ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (WKBW) — The ongoing beaver battle in Orchard Park was tabled Wednesday night.
For more than five months, the southtowns community has lent their voice to beavers living in Birdsong Park Nature Trails.
In October, 7 News learned about a controversial motion out of the Orchard Park Town Board to remove a nuisance beaver.
PREVIOUS STORY: Residents unhappy with Orchard Park officials approving trap and kill method to address beavers occupying park
According to the Town, the beaver created profound damage to the park while building its dam.
The problem was the removal process meant killing the animal.

Orchard Park neighbors rallied together and called for a humane way to solve the "dam problem," and leaders decided to press pause on the removal project.
PREVIOUS STORY: Order to trap and kill beavers halted in Orchard Park
While the town worked to come up with a plan, the Village of Orchard Park made the move to trap and kill four beavers along the trail.
PREVIOUS STORY: What's the 'dam' problem? Town of Orchard Park officials and residents discuss beavers occupying local park
This is why 7 News' Pheben Kassahun made her way down to the Orchard Park Town Board meeting Wednesday evening.
A final vote was expected to either proceed with the trap and kill order or install water flow devices, however, that decision was once again tabled.
Residents have been unhappy with the Orchard Park town board tabling item nine on its agenda.
Town of Orchard Park Recreation, Parks and Forestry director Ed Leak said, "The resolution was submitted as. I was asked to do a solution, I wrote it. I submitted it on time. What just happened was it was tabled unbeknownst to me but my guess is it was discussed in executive session which is only privy to the Town board and the Town attorney. It led them to table it based on what I just heard is they were looking for documentation for a financial commitment from the Friends of Birdsong Park and the Beaver Grant Program."
Leak just happens to be retiring soon, and by the time the vote takes place, 7 News learned a new director will be in his place.

However, residents Kassahun spoke with said enough is enough with tabling the topic.
Sandra Winter, who comes from a farming background, is for trapping and killing beavers.
She said she has been battling with beavers at the bridge for quite some time and that they have flooded her basement and have backed up and destroyed bridges.

"I have asked the Town for help, the Highway Department for help, the County and then I finally called the DEC and they gave me a nuisance permit then after you get a nuisance permit, you can legally trap them and then do what you have to with them. Because if not, they're going to destruct and I'm not going to lose my home over this," Winter said.
Julie Wettlaufer is part of a very active group called Friends of Birdsong Park.

She is against the lethal way of killing the beavers or in this case, drowning them.
She and the group came up with a water-controlled solution because the issue has been flooding.
Wettlaufer explained, "It's a park for Orchard Park people to enjoy. People walk there and bike there and part of the allure to that park is the wildlife. I found it ironic that they found it interesting in killing the beavers and there is no other solution that was considered."
Friends of Birdsong Park group reached out to an expert in Vermont who is willing to come.

According to Wettlaufer, the group is willing to offer to split the bill with Orchard Park in thirds; the group has written a grant for one-third, the group will fundraise for the other third, and have asked the Town to fund the last third for the water controlled devices for the humane methods.
The total price tag runs about $13,500.

"They would have to output money anyways for trapping and that would be an ongoing issue. Once you trap, basically it opens up the area for more beavers to move in because there's not competition. So, new beavers come in and then you basically have to repeat that whole trap, skill scenario over and over again. Whereas, if you control the water and keep the beavers in the park, because the beavers are already there we'll prevent the beavers from moving in because it's already occupied land and the beavers there will defend their territory," Wettlaufer said.
It is still unknown how the board will vote but many are comfortable with there being enough information and options that have been provided to the Town board.