NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO — At 9 p.m. on Thursday 300 drones will fly above Niagara Falls as part of a demo drone show. You'll be able to see the display from both the Canadian and New York side of the falls.
Canadian tourism leaders hired Northstar Drone Showa to produce the magic in the sky.
On Thursday afternoon 7 News Reporter Michael Schwartz went just across the border to see the drone staging area.
"It's a lot of work," explained Patrica Gui, owner of Northstar.
Gui and other team members were spending Thursday making sure all drones were calibrated, and in their exact spot. All 300 drones are placed a meter and a half from each other. Their positioning has to be exact for the show to run smoothly.

"When drones take off we communicate with them," said Gui. "We send flight corrections so they don't hit each other, so it's precise."
Gui said since his company was hired to do it more leaders and organizations in Canada have become interested in his work.