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Summer internship program showing students that engineering is for everyone


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Ten high school students wrapped up their summer engineering internship this week.

The six-week program was hosted by GHD, a global engineering firm, and Buffalo Engineering Awareness for Minorities, or "BEAM."

For its third year, this program served as an opportunity to show students that anyone can be an engineer.

"There's a great need for engineers to come from all backgrounds, all walks of life," John Davis, GHD Project Manager, said. "I think it's beneficial to have engineers from those communities know and live in those communities, be intimate with those communities and solve those communities' problems."

The students involved in the internship all attend Hutchinson Central Technical High School.

Atika Mwalimu, a student, said this program has showed her that her dreams can become a reality.

"I want to prove whoever thinks I can't be an engineer wrong," Mwalimu said. "I can be an engineer, and I am an engineer — even right now."

Over 40 engineers from GHD visited the students throughout the program — showing them what their future career could look like.

"The kids can identify with them [the engineers] and have conversations," Kathy Heinle, Executive Director of BEAN, said. "They see a lot of minorities. They see a lot of women in engineering."

The internship focused on five different types of engineering, as well as professional development skills that the students can carry with them after high school.

"During college time, GHD will bring the students back," Heinle said. "Beyond this original touch with GHD, they're starting a long-term relationship with GHD and companies like them."

Many students left the program feeling excited to pursue a career in engineering, as well as leaving words of advice for other students who may feel intimidated to enter the STEM field.

"At the end of the day, no one is going to stop you," Mwalimu said. "No one is stopping you but yourself. Never let those negative thoughts stop you from doing something you would love to do."

While this summer program has concluded, BEAM offers opportunities for engineering-lovers throughout the year.