BUFFALO, NY (WKBW-TV) — After a fifteen month hiatus live theatre is returning to Buffalo. Chris Handley, Executive Director of the Alleyway Theatre is launching the popular play festival "Buffalo Quickies".
Chris, took over the Alleyway Theatre just as things were shut down because of COVID. He's thrilled about theatre's return saying "We're so excited. It has been a long, long year and a half."
This is the the 30th year for the "Buffalo Quickies". Chris says there are five ten minute plays and one twenty minute musical.
The plays are each staged in a different location. Most of them are inside storefronts right on Main Street. The audience will move from play to play and will wear headphones to hear the performers.
Chris calls the "Buffalo Quickies" "a smorgasbord of different plays every ten minutes". The show opens Thursday June 17th. Tickets are available on line at the Alleyway website.