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Three WNY U.S. Representatives support additional funding of USPS

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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Saturday, the U.S House of Representatives voted to pass a $25-billion funding package for the United State Postal Service.

All three Western New York representatives said they supported the Democratic-backed bill, only two voted in favor it.

Congressman Brian Higgins, a Democrat, voted in favor of the bill. You can watch his speech on the floor, here.

Congressman Tom Reed, a Republican, went against the party line and supported the bill. He explained why on Twitter.

Newly sworn-in Congressman Chris Jacobs says he intended to support the bill. When it came to voting, he voted no. A mistake, Jacobs said in a statement.

“I fully support the USPS and I had every intention of voting in favor of H.R. 8015, the Delivering for America Act. I made an unfortunate mistake and voted no instead of yes. I will ensure that the Congressional Record is corrected to reflect my support for this legislation. During these uncertain times it is critical that Western New Yorkers have faith in our fundamental public institutions and the United States Postal Service is certainly one of those. I supported and intended to vote for today’s legislation to send a clear message that I will do whatever it takes to ensure a stable and reliable postal service. Today’s bill should’ve been included within a bi-partisan COVID-19 relief package.

I urge the Speaker to resume negotiations and I will be working tirelessly to get one passed with targeted aid for small businesses, farmers, workers, and families.”
Congressman Chris Jacobs

President Donald Trump had urged a no vote, calling concerns over mail delivery a “hoax," and the White House says he will veto the bill if it passes the GOP-led Senate.