BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — It was a day of celebrating the giving spirit of Western New York with the West Herr Automotive Group doing its part to ensure families in need have an enjoyable Thanksgiving.
On Friday, Scott Bieler, President and CEO of West Herr Automotive Group, joined Congressman Tim Kennedy in distributing hundreds of frozen turkeys and bags of Thanksgiving staples to families and residents at the Response To Love Center on Buffalo's East Side.

The Response to Love Center was among 45 community organizations that received Thanksgiving donations from West Herr which put $100,000 toward frozen turkeys to go along with food items collected from customers and employees at West Herr locations throughout the region.
"This community has supported our company now, going on 75 years, and that is why we can do what we are doing today," said Bieler. "A lot of us for our whole lives have enjoyed a very enjoyable day on Thanksgiving with everything that we could ask for, but not everyone gets that. So we are trying to make a difference so more people can have that Thanksgiving,"

Sister Mary Johnice, Director of the Response to Love Center, said the donations will go a long way for the people her organization serves.
"It's a day of joy, all of us are so happy because we know that the people who come to us, who are less fortunate, those who are in need, they are going to receive a real special Thanksgiving dinner. Either here in the building for a sit-down, or they are going to be able to get a turkey and take it home with them," said Sister Johnice. "So, it's a day of rejoicing, it's a day of joy, and it's a day of bountiful thanks to God, and West Herr for what they have done."
This marks the largest Thanksgiving donation made to date by the annual West Herr Drive and will feed thousands this coming holiday.