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Western New York reaction to House vote on Trump impeachment

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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — The House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump Wednesday night.

President Trump became the third president to be impeached by the House as Democrats approved two articles of impeachment, one on abuse of power and the other obstruction of congress.

Some Western New York politicians weighed in on the historic vote.

U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer ( D - NY - U.S. Senate Minority Leader)

"The impeachment of a president is a solemn and serious moment for our country. At the start of a trial in the Senate, all senators will swear an oath to render impartial justice. The American people deserve that the Senate conduct a full and fair trial."

New York State Senator Rob Ortt (R - 62nd District)

“Today’s vote by House Democrats to impeach President Trump marks the sad completion of a process over three years in the making. Since election night in 2016, Democrats have set out to overturn the will of the American people and remove our democratically elected president. The use of impeachment as a partisan campaign tool by Speaker Pelosi, Congressman Nadler, and Congressman Schiff is an embarrassment and should sit uneasily with any American. I fear for the precedent that this sham impeachment will have on American democracy going forward.

“Throughout this process, the residents of New York’s 27th Congressional District have been without a voice in Washington to call out this sham attack on our president. It is time for Gov. Cuomo to end the political games and to call a special election so our community can finally have someone in Congress fighting for our conservative values and President Trump's agenda.”

New York State Senator Chris Jacobs (R - 60th District)

“Since the day President Trump took office the Democrats have been trying to remove him. They have spent millions of taxpayers’ money and wasted countless hours putting off the needs of the American people in their reckless effort to overturn the 2016 election and get their revenge. Yesterday’s vote further shows what this process has been – a bias, partisan, one-sided effort by a party that is upset they lost. Rather than deal with losing the election and work with President Trump on his agenda to benefit the American people, the Democrats have made a mockery of the Constitution. Now more than ever President Trump needs a strong ally in Congress who can defend him and work with him– in Congress I plan to lead the charge on his America first policies which have and will continue to benefit the people.”

Congressman Brian Higgins (D - Buffalo)

“The only things standing between a democracy and a dictatorship is the separation of powers and the rule of law. As Members of Congress we take an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Article 2, Section 4 of the Constitution compels impeachment of the President for treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors. The solicitation of a favor from the Ukraine President in exchange for personal, political gain is a bribe and an abuse of power. The evidence is clear, the facts are totally undisputed, and the intent is confirmed by the President’s own Ambassador and Chief of Staff.

“There is no joy in impeachment, but the President’s actions demand it. Inviting foreign interference in U.S. elections is a threat to our security and democracy. Congress has an obligation to serve as the People’s check and balance to the abuse of power. Through the Constitution, the framers sought a nation committed to uphold the promise of justice, integrity and independence. Today the House of Representatives delivered a vote keeping that promise.”

Erie County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw (R)

"This impeachment vote is a farce that cheapens democracy. The President’s opponents are driven by blind hatred of a President they simply couldn’t beat in 2016 and are deathly afraid they can’t beat in 2020."