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What's being done to address violence in Niagara Falls this summer?

SNUG Outreach team meeting to address the latest homicide
and last updated

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (WKBW) — Four shootings in two weeks in June was quite the wake up call for the Niagara Falls community, during gun violence awareness month.

"It's sort of everywhere, I don't think Niagara Falls has any greater share of it than anywhere else," said Mayor Rob Restaino.

This uptick in violence though puts the city ahead of the homicide rate from last year. There have been 7 homicides so far in 2023, compare that to 10 total in all of 2022.

What's being done to address it?
The concern is that with summer in full swing and school out, this uptick will continue.

"You definitely see kind of an uptick as it gets warmer and schools out now and there's more people on the streets. There's still work to be done, there will always be work," said Eric Boerdner with Community Missions who helps run SNUG.

SNUG has been in the community for six months now, grieving with families and trying to bring violence down.

Mayor Restaino says it's happening because of a combination of things, but the city has work to do to address poverty.

"We've gotta work better and harder at creating job opportunities," said Restaino.

Whether it's putting them to work or just keeping them busy, that's where SNUG is stepping in this summer.

"Doing events whether it's Darien Lake or the fun center or a Bisons game, our new recording studio, to give them different things to do and get them off the streets and do what we can," said Boerdner.

Want to get involved with SNUG? They're at 1702 Pine Ave. available 24/7 at 716-205-8803.