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'Life is beautiful, isn't it?' A 100-year-old WWII Veteran shares his advice

100-year-old Thomas Richards says he's always counted his blessings no matter what. He says when life deals you something you don't want, "Just overlook it because it's only going to be temporary."
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AMHERST, N.Y. (WKBW) — Many of us realize life goes by fast and when you celebrate 100 years on this might have some advice for others. 7 New Anchor/Reporter Lia Lando spoke with a WWII vet in Amherst Thursday at his 100th birthday party and he shared his advice for a long and happy life.

When asked what he wanted for his 100th birthday, Thomas Richards replied, "just another one!" and a crowd of friends, family and media at the Amherst Senior center burst out laughing. Mr. Thomas Richards knows how to light up a room. He's had decades of practice and his daughters tell 7 News, he's known for his optimism, "very,very positive all the time, and very humble and quick witted." During our visit with him at his birthday party, that was evident.

Mr. Richards talked about how he's been optimistic for as long as he can remember. He says, "Life is beautiful isn't it? Be thankful for what you have. You can always dream for more but be happy with what you have." Richards says he's happy with the life he has lived so far. The World War 2 veteran turned 100 on September 1st. He's accomplished a lot. He worked in the steel industry, joined the Navy when he was only 19, ran his own gas stations and worked at Williamsville North High school where he greeted the staff every morning saying, "It's a beautiful day!" He says it's all about perspective.

Richards says his greatest accomplishment is, "raising the girls." He had 3 but says, "we lost one in a car accident." Despite the downs in life, he counts his blessings everyday and explains, "I always did that. I always believed in that. Be happy. The Lord will take care of you."

Richards says he believes his optimism has provided him with a happier and longer life. He says, "Oh definitely. You gotta be happy everyday come hell or high water you gotta be happy" and he says when life deals you something you don't want, "Just overlook it because it's only going to be temporary."