BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — You can see it all along the drive down the I-190, graffiti of all kinds, new and old. But most recently, it's taking over the Buffalo Grand Hotel.
"It is definitely on the increase and it's become a major issue again," said Sam Lunetta, Anti-Graffiti Task Force of Buffalo. "Mostly in the areas where people can really see and in very unusual spots like very high places."
Somehow, taggers made their way to one of the top floors of the hotel, tagging some of the windows.

"I have no clue how they got as high as they did. When our staff was there we had that place buttoned up tight, when we were off-site you can see the result," said Harry Stinson, the hotel's owner.
In public areas, the City of Buffalo works to remove the tags, but graffiti has been building on the hotel since its status has been in limbo.
7 News talked with Stinson about his plans to re-open on September 6, watch below.
It's now back in Stinson's control and he tells 7 News he has crews on-site working to secure and clean the property.
"Certainly we're not intending on letting this continue and our objective is to restore the property to its original status, which will not happen overnight as you can imagine," said Stinson.
He says he expects both the clean-up and renovation of the hotel to take some time.