One woman from Cincinnati area received a $900 bill for magazines she never signed up for and never wanted. After her story first aired on the 7 Eyewitness News Morning Show, we got a call from a woman in Amherst. She's in the same boat.
For the past two years Kelly Koleff gets 15 different magazines delivered to her home every month. She says it all started with a phone call.
“They ask me if I want to go on a cruise. I said no. And then they said we have these free magazines. Would you like to listen to a few? I said no,” said Koleff.
She's called the magazine companies, they say she's getting them from a third party. Koleff has tried to get in touch with this third party. She’s had no luck.
When she saw the story on 7 Eyewitness News Monday morning about how one woman was charged almost one thousand dollars for an unwanted magazine subscription, she got concerned.
She's worried she'll get hit with a similar bill or this will somehow impact her credit score.
If she does get billed, she says she will refuse to pay it.
Koleff says she'll call the magazine companies again, hoping they can get her touch with the right person.
“I tried that for about a month and nothing came of it. So I'll try it again,” said Koleff.
A couple of tips from our “Don't Waste Your Money” correspondent: Be careful of trial offers and never give credit card information to someone who calls you.
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