

Holiday tipping guideline: Who to tip, how much, and how to tip your Amazon driver for free

and last updated

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — If you've got questions about who to tip - and how much - this holiday season, you're not alone. There's a new survey out from Bankrate that shows more Americans are planning to tip this year, but they're keeping the amount they give about the same as years past.

Let's break down the holiday tipping time, according to this Bankrate study.

Who are people planning to tip this year?
57% of people will tip their housekeepers
55% will give to childcare providers
53% will give to teachers
41% will tip their landscaper/snow removers
31% will tip their mail carriers
26% will tip their trash/recycling collectors

* Those are the groups included in the Bankrate study.
Other people you might want to consider tipping:
- personal trainers
- hair stylists/manicurists
- dog walkers/groomers
- receptionists

How much are people tipping on-average?
Housekeepers - $50
Childcare providers - $50
Teachers - $25
Landscapers/snow removers - $30
Mail carriers - $20
Trash/Recycling collectors - $20

How to tip your Amazon driver for free:
Katie walks you through the process of tipping your Amazon driver for free -
It's easy!
*Amazon announced that the two million $5 thank yous for eligible drivers had been given out already -
But the company is still letting you thank your driver the same way -
go through the process, and the 1,000 most-thanked delivery drivers will get $100 from the company.*

Tip your Amazon driver for free