

Where can you find the best prices when you go back-to-school shopping?

and last updated

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — As the kids get ready to go back to school, parents are headed to stores with lists of supplies they need.

Our morning show crew picked five items to price track at four stores to try and find the best prices for parents, as well as the places that are one-stop shops.

Here are the items they looked for:

Back to school supply list
Back to school supply list

Ed and I split up the stores they shopped at — here are the stores we price-tracked.

Stores we price tracked
Stores that we price tracked

Ed and I found the stores with the biggest selection were the big box stores — Target and Walmart. I found better prices at Walmart than Ed found at Target - but all the prices we tracked were for in-store purchases. Some people told us they were able to find some better prices online, so you might want to double-check if you have the time.

Here are the prices we found at each store:

Target Prices
In-store prices at Target
Walmart Prices
Walmart in-store prices