

Man arrested for selling drugs near a Buffalo school


Buffalo police have arrested 49-year-old Thomas Cox after they say he sold cocaine within 1,000 feet of Buffalo Public School 59 and The Science Magnet School.

Cox has been charged by criminal complaint with possession with intent to distribute, and distribution of cocaine. The charge carries a mandatory minimum penalty of 15 years in prison and a maximum of life.  The U.S. Attorney

On March 3, officers say they witnessed Cox discussing the sale of cocaine. Cox later was seen selling a plastic sandwich bag containing a quantity of white powder 

A few days later on March 8th, police saw Cox traveling to Mills Street where he provided another individual with cocaine.

 On March 10th, officers executed a search warrant and discovered a small safe with money inside of it and what could be crack cocaine.

The D.E.A. is currently investigating this case.