

Mayor Brown says Buffalo will always welcome foreigners

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In a statement on Monday, Mayor Byron Brown said Buffalo will continue to welcome refugees and immigrants.

"The safety of our residents around the world and the security of our nation of immigrants are best established when our relationship are based on honesty, trust and collaboration," said Mayor Brown.

Mayor Brown expressed concern for those who are impacted by President Trump's executive order to ban travel for immigrants coming from certain countries. He says the ban will only cause more hardship for those trying to escape the existing difficulties they live through every day and those who come to Buffalo and other places in the U.S. to visit family here.

"I am concerned for our residents who are impacted by suspension of the nation's resettlement program, as I know that many across our city and region are patiently waiting for family members to join them from abroad; and I am concerned about the message that is being broadcast to all of those who contribute so much locally, including those that cross over the international border into our city every day."

The Mayor put out a call to the nation, asking citizens to renew a commitment to helping people, no matter where they are from, or what their religion, nationality, race or gender may be.

"I call on our federal government to reconsider the suspension for individuals already in the new resettlement process who are awaiting admittance."