

Meeting in Tonawanda discusses post-Huntley plans

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It's a plan that's all about making Tonawanda a sustainable place to live, with economic growth and opportunity. Residents and stake-holders met to discuss plans for a post-Huntley era in Tonawanda during an open meeting put on by the group Tonawanda Tomorrow.

The Huntley Energy Plant closed in 2016, and with it came a big blow to economic revenue in  Tonawanda. The group is planning the area's future, and Wednesday Tonawanda Tomorrow unveiled a draft of what's to come.

Dozens of residents were in attendance to provide feedback on the plan. Many would like to see Tonawanda focus on industry, develop the waterfront area, and provide more opportunities for students to learn a trade in school.

"Tonawanda has great assets. You have the water right here, you can get cheap power in the area, we have a lot to offer," said Thomas O'Shei. "You can see it turning around. You can see jobs coming back and we need to keep the momentum going."

The group plans to meet again before the final draft is approved in early June. If you would like to review the draft, click here.