

Military leader thinks U.S. will find a way forward with North Korea

7EWN is one-on-one with Rear Adm. Danelle Barrett
and last updated

Rear Admiral Danelle Barrett has come a long way since her time at Frontier High School in Hamburg.  Today, she is one of the top ranking members of the U.S. Navy.  

Barrett is the Director of the Navy's cyber-security division, and knows very well the threats we face on the global stage.

In a one-on-one interview with 7 Eyewitness News Anchor Keith Radford, Rear Adm. Barrett acknowledged there is cause for concern when it comes to the escalating tensions the United States has with North Korea, but she remains optimistic.

"I do believe firmly that there will be a diplomatic solution to this.  I don't think anybody wants war.  I don't think they want war in North Korea either. I mean, people want a diplomatic solution and a way forward on this and i think our government will find one," Barrett said.

The admiral says the country has always faced conflict, but the internet is raising people's awareness of it.

"We get a lot of information that is thrown at us all the time, so i don't think there is necessarily more conflict. I think it's more publicized and more talked about."

During a wide-ranging conversation in the garden of the historic Twentieth Century Club in Buffalo, Rear Adm. Barrett said her Navy is ready for whatever this country is confronted with.

There are about 99 ships currently deployed around the world, according to Barrett.

"Those missions prepare them and keep them on the cutting edge of war fighting so that we are prepared to protect the American public at any time."