It's a typical Monday night of bingo at the Knights of Columbus in Cheektowaga, except for one thing.
“The rule started yesterday,” said James Coyle, the Monday bingo organizer at Father Justin’s Knights of Columbus.
According to the state, anyone under 18 is no longer allowed to play, but they are allowed to attend. The law was introduced in Governor Cuomo’s 2017 budget.
“Even though the kids can't play and they can come into the bingo hall, they still have to buy an admission board. So, that parent or grandmother is spending three dollars and then nobody can play that board, so that board is being ripped up,” said Coyle.
Places like the Knights of Columbus might start to give away a slice of pizza to minors for their three dollar entrance fee.
Some bingo players are worried smaller churches bottom lines might be effected when fewer families attend their bingo nights.