

Mom: Abduction was part of friend's fake pregnancy plot

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An Indianapolis woman whose son was kidnapped Friday morning said she thinks the abduction was part of an elaborate fake pregnancy plot.

Juanita Gibson, her mother and grandmother woke up early Friday morning to find a fire in their home, and Juanita's month-old son, William, missing.

Gibson said there were multiple fires, including one under her baby's bassinet.

"I seen the fire right there, so I hurried up and pushed his bed out of the way and then put it out," she said. "My grandmother put out the one in the kitchen, and she came over by his bed to check on him and noticed he wasn't there."

A friend who had been staying in the apartment -- 19-year-old Desarai Kent -- was also gone, along with Gibson's cellphone and her grandmother's car.

"I called my phone and she answered and was like, 'You got the car yet, bro?'" she said. "I didn't say anything to her. I hung up and I called the police."

Metro police were able to quickly track Kent through the stolen cellphone and the GPS in the stolen car.

They found Kent and the baby at the home of an acquaintance, in the 2500 block of Rader Street.

"She says she went over there and was like, 'My baby cold,' so she let her in not thinking anything of it," Gibson said. "Then shortly after that, the police came knocking at the door."

Gibson said Kent befriended her at the mall a few months ago. Gibson's family says Kent told them she was pregnant and needed a place to stay.

Kent said she was overdue and would be induced this weekend.

Gibson said she found out today that Kent is not pregnant.

WATCH | Gibson's full interview with RTV6 is in the video player above

"She had a fake stomach. She wasn't really pregnant," Gibson said. "I think she had intentions on coming over here and stealing my baby and all of us dying and her raising him as her own."

Now that Kent is behind bars -- facing charges of kidnapping, theft, auto theft and arson -- Gibson said she and her family are expressing their gratitude to IMPD, for what they're calling their Christmas miracle.

"I was so excited. I had so much relief," Gibson said. "That's an awful feeling waking up to your baby not here. And a person you thought was your friend stealing your baby out of your possession after you done did all of this for her."

Gibson's son was taken to Riley Hospital to be checked out, but he is expected to be OK.