

Mother hit by car pushes son to safety


Linemen were busy down Allen Street in Batavia. They were replacing a telephone pole. It split on Saturday after being hit by a car.

Neighbors say the car went on to the sidewalk struck a car, a woman, and then the pole. The woman who was hit, was walking her dogs with her 8-year-old son. The dogs were killed. Neighbors say some quick thinking saved her son.

“She pushed him out of the way and that probably saved his life,” said Debra Horton.

“I heard the car coming up behind me,” said Kaila Tidd. She was hit by that car.

“I turned around to look at my son and I just wanted to make sure he was going to be ok. And I don't remember much after that,” recalled Tidd.

Tidd is back home with some scratches and bruises. Her son is fine.

The driver, who initially fled, returned. The Batavia Police say he's 15-years-old.

Any charges he will face will be in family court.

The Tidds are together and safe, but an afternoon joy ride, nearly changed that.