

Ben & Jerry's 'Free Cone Day' coming in April

Posted 5:30 AM, Mar 02, 2017
and last updated 5:46 AM, Mar 02, 2017
It’s a long way off, but mark your calendars for April 4 and keep room for dessert.
Ben & Jerry’s is celebrating its annual “Free Cone Day.”
According to Time, the Vermont-based company will hand out free cones of ice cream from 12 to 8 p.m., at its Scoop Shop locations all over the world. Select your favorite flavor – whether it be a classic flavor or “something new.”
"We believe in having fun, and in thanking our fans with free ice cream for our anniversary every year," Ben & Jerry's CEO Jostein Solheim said in a statement, according to Time. "Through the power of ice cream, we are able to form strong connections and create positive social change together. Free Cone Day is one way to show our fans how much we appreciate them."
Free Cone Day has been going strong since 1979, and the ice cream giant gives away more than a million of its free cones every single year.